2011年6月21日 星期二

Cat Tuesday plan: 百貓圖計畫(額滿) 100CATS painting plan(all Full up)

THANK YOU EVERYONE, The 100 cats list is ALL FULL UP!!!
我買了一張 2500cm x 40cm 的紙,有計畫畫一張「百貓圖」,
I bought a paper which is 2500cm x 40cm, and I want to draw " 100 cats",
May take YEARS~~
if you want me to paint your cat, please fill your cat name and your cat photo's link,
which item for 1 cat, for example:

Your Name: Adan 阿丹
Your Link: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhuP9oBu0tIH-zAYpjC4NeVs5N0Nrpv_LnR3j0n5v2JeFvzcdENn8pvsFoe8MYeBrl9ryCtxAnRfefmnx8FORrDB4UPKpcPFu55oywcosiPmYhhyphenhyphenQteZWOKhX0Ocr3o2pCZtt6V6KkPGos/s400/911172.jpg

Your Name: Lego 樂高:
Your Link: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjvPtoha3zvmfZnagYajTPqiqc1HIN-IqaWLHFuQDX_3vca3sYArYnI4UFYAnBobMIvMTAPDM8ydg_jPUZ6BxT7pqrU0HRNu6ixoJhqqsY4VFjIkdxydXr-XM1JNuxGLF06eV5Z7-IpD8I/s400/911173.jpg

填完要 用滑鼠點 Enter 喔!! 

也沒有作畫時間限制XD~ 也許會很多年歐~~

And this is No payment activity, only if you can accept to let me paint,
and there is no limit of cat's numbers, only you have cat photo is enough, no matter they at the bridge or earth.
until 100 cats all collected~
And I might take many years to paint it,
please understand.
(Using Mister Linky is the fastest way to collect everyone's names and links So....I use it)
=== 全滿了勿填 All Full up ===